Monday, January 7, 2008

My daughter is getting older...

...and I feel this overwhelming pressure to get as much quality time in before the teenage years come ruin everything. I remember going with my parents on a two-week California adventure when I was 9 and being completely mortified by their presence at most of the places we went.
I keep thinking of adventures I want to take her on but everything costs so much money so I am going to have to make a little goal that is actually achievable.
I want to take her to Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Disneyland, China, on a cruise... I have always lived my life that yes, things are nice, but I want the intangible experiences of life more than I want the trinkets that come along with life, and I want that for my daughter too.
Lots to think about. Can't she just stay 7 or 8 for a couple more years?

1 comment:

Jamianza said...

Hey Leslie....since you want to go to China...and I DESPISE flying, maybe you could go get my baby? LOL (o; I decided on my last flight to and from Hawaii....that the whole China adoption thing is most likely NOT happening. It was all I could do to make it through a 6 hour flight to and from Hawaii...China's gotta be like 12 or 14....uggghhhh!!!! :(