Saturday, January 12, 2008

Today's results...

All I will say about it is this: Any game that starts off that well is destined to end horribly.

In other news- We stood in the cold wet SNOW for nearly 4 hours but ended up with 16th row tickets. Yay for us! I am finally warm again, 7 hours after being able to come inside from the cold. So while we were standing in line after not getting lotery bracelets, after having people walk past and say that they were sold out, or out of bracelets etc., I had my mom call and get us some over the phone- which were kinda crappy, kinda decent seats (hey, something is better than nothing!!!) so we have two extra tickets. So if anyone knows anybody who wants to go to the Jonas Brothers concert in Everett Feb 5th, I have two seats available. I will sell them at face value if it is to someone who is a friend or a friend of a friend, or even an acquaintance of a friend. They are inexpensive enough I dont need to make a profit off of them. If I cant sell them for face value then I will probably jsut take two friends for free. I am so excited!!!!!
I am so proud of kk for not complaining. It was soooo cold, we were hungry, thirsty, had to pee, and all throughout she was a trooper. It's these little life lessons, like the worth of deviting a snowy saturday morning that helps teach her that some things you really have to work for, even if it is such a non-necessity like concert tickets.
Besides the unfortunate event mentioned in line one of this post, it is an awesome day so far!!! KNOCK ON WOOD.

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