Friday, June 15, 2007

5 things...

I hate:
1. Spitting
2. Horseradish
3. Lying
4. Doing dishes
5. Giving up on people

I need to do this weekend:
1. Bring drinks for the baseball team
2. Pack
3. Move
4. Dance
5. RSVP to Spencers party

I want right now:
1. A cuddle
2. Mint chocolate chip ice cream in a waffle cone
3. to be able to sleep in once
4. A text
5. A 'move planner' like a wedding planner only for a more major event (a move) haha

But seriously- I love my new haircut and it is making me happier than i have been in a while. Like since last weekend LOL

Love and miss you girls and guys you rock too :)

Remember your end of the deal... I will watch Charlie if you find me someone to get me in the paper hahaha

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