Wednesday, May 16, 2007

i got that place

and i get the keys may 29th. yay for me! i am excited. it may not be alot to some people, but it is a big deal to me. its going to be home for a while. maybe a long long time. it has three bedrooms, a big bathroom with a linen closet, laundry room, garage, yard, its at the end of a culdesac AND kk already has a friend who lives next door that we met when we were looking at the place.
some people at work told me it was the ghetto in that neighborhood... but i looked and its not... and I have a pretty accurate ghettometer. But anyways to celebrate my new place i am going to have an open house- and because they said its in the ghetto im going to have a hood party wioth a ghetto theme. everyone bring your Old-E and wear your bling- mama's cooking fried chicken and some one is going to roll on dubs. all are invited, yo.
OK anyways back to my place. Its way cute- even the name of the street is cute. my dutch lady landlord is way cool. and there is cable in every room- oh yeah baby.
i am just really excited. Life is coming together- great new job, great new place, jsut about everything i need! two things on my list of things to do before my 10,000th day are done.
Three things are done! KK got into the YMCA kids camp so wow i am really cookin on my list :)
time to revisit it and see where i stand. Look for a 10,000th day list countdown update blog soon!

kisses to you all


The Miller's said...

Glad things are finally shaping up for you!

The Miller's said...

Oh, and when's the party?

Leslie said...

thanks :) no party til at least after school is done- still kind of overwhelmed by all this change- even though they are good changes its still some getting used to a new routine...
but i will definitely announce it!