Sunday, April 1, 2007

april fools is for lovers

ok thats not true. my april fools backfired- instead of kk getting mad she started to cry and i felt really bad.
i still feel all weird and not like myself today, like i have so many important decisions to make and they all could turn out really good or really badly... i think its stressing me out and kinda knocking me off my rocker (?) to the point where i cant make any decisions at all.
sometimes i need someone to live my life for me. jsut for half a day or so. look at all the details from another point of view and come up with the answer that must be so obvious to everyone else.
So much is right, but something just isnt and it is affecting everything else.
PROBLEM, MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN!! there are not enough hours in the day to keep guessing!

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