Friday, February 15, 2008

I was in the paper

but it was a long long time ago. Not often do I get recognized for something in my professional life. I think the only other big achievement of my career thus far was not getting shot during as armed robbery.
Read if you would like... the link is here mostly for preservation :P


ABW said...


so proud of you.

The Miller's said...

Hey cool! You've switched job since then...what's your job now? Sometimes link like that will go away though so you should print it out too.

Leslie said...

I'm a buyer now... we will see if this job takes me anywhere! But for the moment, I love it and it pays a bill or two.
Now that you mention it, I do have that article printed out and filed somewhere, not sure where exactly. In one of my 'to-file' piles, I'm sure.

The Miller's said...

I hate to admit my ignorance, but I really am curious about what you do...I don't know what you mean by buyer.

Leslie said...

The really short answer is I spend the companies money to get whatever supplies they need, and I bargain for best prices and better items. The place I work currently is a manufacturer of jetted tub parts (etc) so the things I buy are mostly parts for the production team to build: cables, capacitors, passives, PCB's, and a million other little tiny parts that when put together, build something. I also get the stuff like a mop or solder bars or ink. I hope that answers your question, but I love to talk about my job, so ask me if you have any more!