Monday, March 3, 2008


Are sparks necessary?
You know, that feeling in your stomach when you look at someone or remember certain happenings and you feel like you are going to puke, but in a good way? Well that is how it feels for me sometimes.
What I am wondering is whether a nice, stable, dependable and still passion-filled relationship is enough, or if there has to be sparks. The thing about sparks is that they usually don't care about dependability, fidelity, or stability. They are jsut either there or they aren't. That may be what my failed relationships had in common- plenty of spark and no common sense.
I don't want to grow old with someone who I simply have a spark with. I want a healthy, devoted, best-friend type with whom I can also have awesome sex.
I know that I need to lead with my head, and be able to follow with my heart, but I am having trouble knowing whether a little bit of spark can sustain a relationship, or if it is failed from the start.
What are your guys' experiences with spark and it's necessity for long-term?


Jennifer said...

In my experience, the spark is a necessity! It doesn't have to be constant but it's gotta be there. Same thing goes for the good sex...

I mean, do you really want a relationship where a year or two down the road you don't look at him and think about how damn cute he is and get that giddy feeling?

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ABW said...

A certain amount of spark is necessary, but if he doesn't have a job or insurance and he's not a good guy, RUN!!! I like dependable, going to be there no matter what, always behind me, safe guy. Mine also happens to be hot. :)